Acai Burn
Rip off

Beauty & Appearance

Ordered this product to try "FREE TRIAL". Called on the 11th day of the trial and was told that although the product made me extremely ill, I could not prevent a billing of my account unless I returned the product and provided the tracking number for shipment to them. This is not identified anywhere in the product info. I sent it on the next day and called immediately to provide tracking number and was told the product was cancelled and no billing would take place. Three days later they pulled $79.00 from my account. I called again and was assured this money would be returned.

In the meantime, two other products that are attached to the original order also decided to bill me for something I didn't even know existed. This caused a check to bounce resulting in $29.00 extra billing. They at least did return the money within two days, not the $29.00 though.

Its now been 28 days since my first call, still have not received my $79.00 back and getting a run around telling me that a "refund was issued". This is just outrageous. Now I fear that next month the same thing will happen again.

This is a terrible scam, causing me great hardship and anxiety as I couldn't afford it unless I had planned to do this beforehand and I tried to prevent it.

First of all this is not a "free trial" it is a scam trial and they bill you as soon as they can. Then they add on these extra charges and if you are not paying attention these smaller charges will just slide by you. I only knew they existed because of the return of my checks. How is it that this type of thing can happen without punishment by the government that is supposed to protect consumers?

This product should have been investigated a long time ago, I only realize that now because I have seen so many complaints not only here but on several internet sites. Yes, its my fault, I should have checked it BEFORE BUYING but I guess like many others, we naively believe the government protects consumers even on the internet.

Company: Acai Burn
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
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Dont do it

Same problem as everyone else ripoff

Simple Escapes
Ripoff Bogus Charges Beware fraudulent ripoff business

Acai Burn
Rip off/scam acai burn: is not a free trial that you can try for free! It's a scam! Do not buy acai burn!
DON'T! Ripoff

Bella Brite
The patterns of complaints are concerning billing and collection issues. Customers return the product for a full refund, the company inspects all returned products and determines the return is damaged thus, consumers are not receiving a refund

Acai Burn
Don't believe in the "FREE TRIAL" - it's bogus!

Tribute Financial Group
Extortion artists

FWM Laboratories - Acai Berry Detox Free Trial
Extreme Acai FatBurn Scammed

Northern Leasing
Northern Leasing Company are destroying peoples lives. They are dirty, no good SOB'S