Pure Acai Slim
Made me sick

Beauty & Appearance

I had been quite upset after i looked over my statement also to discover that i had been billed $83.80 to get a weight reduction product that made me sick to my stomach and gave me diarrhea. I had been thinking the price was $7.99 therefore today i'd like my entire payment back. I've spoken to my cc organization.

Company: Pure Acai Slim
Country: USA
State: Texas
  <     >  


Bank Of America
False Charges

Alyon Technologies
Unauthorized charges rip-off deception Norcross

Roni Deutch
Roni's enjoying my money after ripping me off!

Wolpoff & Ab Ramson - Centurion Capital - Ballys Total Fitness
Wolpoff & Ab Ramson - Centurion Capital - Assignee of Ballys Total Fitness RIPOFF

Natra pure colon cure
Made me sick

LA-Weight Loss / Pure Weight Loss
LA-Weight Loss/Pure Weight Loss Didn't receive merchandise that was already paid for

Pure Saffron Slim
Consumer Report

Acai Pure Detox/Colon Cleanse
Unauthorized charges

Puppy Kitty Nursery
For the love os BOSWORTH WARNING Do NOT buy a Puppy from PUPPY KITTY NURSERY mistreated and ripped off

Race Data Systems - Ian McLaren - Deanne
Ripoff my money you cant get it to work you use dollar bets queensland