Acai Berry Breeze
Emoving 127.00w/out premission

Beauty & Appearance

I created an order for that Acai Berries Wind #622225, Since The present mentioned that it had been a 14day trial. Well after I called my lender I observe that organization has had $127.00 texas from my bill. When it will have already been just $4.98 for S&H. I created this purchase on 06/25/09 it'snot been 14days. After I tryed when I did so get somebody about the telephone which takes forever to listen to a's speech. The individual (woman) educated me that I really could not get my money-back Easily ended. The present is just a Rest, and that I need my $127.00 changed into my bill.

Company: Acai Berry Breeze
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Frisco
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Acai Berry Breeze
Detox-Trial-Members. Co3370 Charged (illegally) my credit account $84.79 for items I did not authorize and did not want

CIC Credit Moniotr
CIC Credit Monitor deceptive ripoffcompany Worldwide

Acai Berry Breeze
Acai Berry, Acai Burn, Losers, whatever. Major rip off!

Chander Huff, Customer Service Dept rip-off

American Credit Solutions

Rachel Ray Acai Berry And Colon Cleanse
Acai Berry breeze and Colon Cleanse 3000 Acai Breeze and Colon Cleanse are two Rip Offs! They mislead you into trying the product for free. Far from it!

Tybee Software

Acai barry breeze
Said it was free then charged me 81.00

Lenox Freedom Resource

Set up AT&T account without our permission, the evil dirt bags! Then, they said (several times) that they sent the required return label, and it never arrived RIP-OFF Internet