Resveratrol Ultra

Beauty & Appearance

On May 18, I returned to Resveratrol Ultra, a bottle of Reseveratrol, manufactured by FWM Laboratories, which I never ordered. Since these people purposely did not include a packing or any information with regards to my account, I had no alternative but write a letter disputing the charges, if any, and returned the merchandise to the Hollywood, Florida shipping address. On May 1st they charged approximately $87.00 to my credit. Today, I found that my credit card has a new pending charge from FWM Laboratories for the same amount. I must assume this charge is for a bottle of a different diet pill. I am disputing both charges with my credit card company, Bank of America. Please be aware that all this began after they advertised a bottle of Reveratrol free of charge with only shipping charges. This company is nothing but a scam.

Company: Resveratrol Ultra
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
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Resveratrol Ultra
Unauthorized charge

Resveratrol Ultra
Unauthorized charges

Resveratrol Ultra

Resveratrol Ultra
Unauthorized charge of 87.13 on my credit card for "free" product

Resveratrol Ultra
Resveratrol Ultra is a total SCAM! They steal from your bank account!

Resveratrol Ultra
Unauthorized charge

Resveratrol Ultra
FWM Laboratories

Resveratrol Ultra - Acberry Colon Health
Ripped Off!

Resveratrol Ultra
Unauthorized charges on my credit card

Resveratrol Ultra