Acai Berry
Cancel future products

Beauty & Appearance

I do want to make sure no further of the item (Acai Berries) is charged in my experience; I don't want to buy. So when I named the "immediate client "number I acquired a pine and was requested for my creditcardnumber. No method am I going to provide that within the telephone to some device.

I had been told I really could just stop my "free trial offer" quickly. It has not been simple.

I'd like a contact that informs me I'll NOT be charged for that item or obtain anymore within the future. L

Catharine Stewart-Roache

1215 Apache Doctor

Socorro, NM87801

Company: Acai Berry
Country: USA
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Acai Berry
Free trial scam

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Unarthorize charges

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Only ordered the trial bottle nothing else. Their ad says nothing else

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I was charged $149.95 before Trial ended

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