Tribeca Skin Care
Owner, Dr. Sydney Coleman, Plastic Surgeon, A Surgical Rapist

Beauty & Appearance

To view our before and after pictures, for now. Until I get them posted here, at this Complaints Board... Search Under..."Dr. Sydney Coleman... Pathetic Little Man. Tries To Place Blame On Other Surgeons, " and..."Dr. Sydney Coleman... Buyer Beware." I would advise that you read every posting using his name, and any ohter on the Internet. Here is a starter for yoWith a total disregard, for those families and lives destroyed by his greed, Dr. Sydney Coleman, just as Bernie Madoff... Who bilked millions from very intelligent and trusting people with his scheming... Is doing everything in his power to cover the fact... That he is responsible for mutilating patients and experimenting on them.

He has worked on a multitude of patients, in areas without consent, removed fat from women's Labia's, disfigured and maimed so severely, that people have considered, or... Attempted suicide. The extent of trauma, that he has caused, each and every individual? A lifetime sentencing in prison for him, would pale in comparison... To the suffering this sick "poor excuse of a human being, ".. Has caused.

His latest tactic, now that we have begun to find one another and speak out, is to state that we are either anonymous, have a vendetta against him (poor syd) or... I will quote Renee in his office..."she is a total psycho!" Meaning me, because I specifically asked about "Corey Taylor Clegg's pictures here, the ones in color... On this exact Complaints Board... Listed under. Dr. Sydney Coleman... Surgical Rape, " so no confusing. The ones you are now looking at... Enquiring and/or curious people.

Well, "YOU BET THAT I AM!" Look at my pictures of before and after. "YES! I DO HAVE MOMENTS, OF FEELING COLEMAN INDUCED TOTAL PSYCHO!" As every other victim of Coleman does, when loooking into the mirror, and thinking about, just how much of our lives have been lost, and how much suffering he has caused our loved ones.

And by the fact, that he is still getting away with this, while those in the medical community, who are very well aware, and try to repair... Choose to remain silent, other than the private discussions of disbelief, or snickeirng behind his back. This is the big hidden secret, amongst a growing number of plastic surgeons. Hiding it from you! Allowing you to be harmed, for the code of silence.

To those who do not speak out, remember, that we all have to answer to God/Karma/What goes Around Comes Around... Whatever it is that you wish to call it, but you are partly guilty, for protecting a murderer. For every disfigured person, that is added to the growing list, you have a hand in this. Something which you do not stop, you partake in. Try looking at our faces, while knowing that you could have helped to prevent this!!! Imagine this to be your wife, mother, sister, lover, brother. HHMMM? I wonder??? Cowards!!!

So the latest. Not surprisingly, Coleman has prepped those in his office, of what it is "exactly", that he wants you to be told, if you as a prospective client, should question our comments and pictures. How do I know this? Because I called as a prospective client. I asked many questions, and Renee... Even went to the extent of saying..."let me see right here, what he has written down to tell you." Laughing. Got a chuckle out of that one!!!

Renee, it was an outright lie, for you to tell me, that Corey Taylor Clegg, who so happenes to be me..."Smooth Talker" that you are,

Well here, let me sumerize parts our conversation,

Your line of how, "people go to surgeons who will do anything the patient asks. I mean, example being, look at Michael Jackson. That patient you mention, had another surgeon do those procedures, not Dr. Coleman, She did not leave here looking like that. She never returned for her follow up, so we are not responsible for whatever happened elsewhere.

"are you for real? Do you think people are that stupid, to believe this latest line of bull? How dare you confuse trusting... As we did, with stupidity! Those being educated here, will being making choices based on truth! Which happened to be unavailable, when i researched coleman! Thank god for complaints boards! You will not keep us hidden any longer!" coleman has been sued successfully, gag arders protect him. You lied about that too when i asked renee??? Yes! You belong in prison too!"

Add defamation of character, for both you and Coleman. The audacity, to add insult to injury??? That thought lasted about a nano-second, because... Considering the source... Not surprising. It was easy to re-group, after being a part of that conversation with you Renee. It does not hurt so much at this time, that pure evil resides in that office! Knowing that it will end soon. And the sooner the better!

Sorry Coleman, but the pictures do not lie, so I do understand... That is why your attempted cover ups, become more absurd as time goes on. At first it was shocking to hear this, but then I did chuckle, because it is so lame, Was that original? Or did your lawyer coach you on that one, as you... Just as have done so with Renee???

People, our pictures are not doctored as Coleman has tried to convince you, or the mastermind of another surgeon. The only "Masterminding" going on, is Coleman trying to lay the responsibility elsewhere. The holes in his story are beginning to show. Something??? Just sounds a bit contradictory about Coleman. Can you see it, feel it? If I were not his victim already, I can assure you, after being here as a witness to all of this, I would never risk being anywhere near him.

Anyone considering Coleman, for business, whether it be buying product, such as Cannulas, any teaching materials, securing him for lectures, or God forbid, to be operated on by him!!! You have the right, as a human being, to be properly, and honestly informed! I am urging anyone reading this, to also read here, at this Complaints Board..."Dr. Sydney Coleman... Buyer Beware, " and Dr. Sydney Coleman... Surgical Rape."

And please??? If you yourself, a friend or loved may have considered Coleman for a surgeon... And now... Just been saved/spared... Share this. It has taken up so much of our lives already... Trying to expose him. Help us if you will... By spreading the word. Even if it is just one person that you tell... So that this psychopath can be stopped, you have shown the compassion for all. We will feel it! Thank you.:)

U. Pass the word.

Company: Tribeca Skin Care
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Manhattan
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Tribeca Plastic Surgery
Dr. Sydney Coleman... Pathetic Little Man... Tries To Place Blame On Fictitious Surgeons

New York City's Tribeca Plastic Surgery
Dr. Sydney Coleman, What he tries to hide from you

Dr. Sydney Coleman
Abuse of board

Dr. Sydney Coleman
Terrible service

Dr. Sydney Coleman
"Many Accolades" to the owners of "COMPLAINTS BOARD!"

Coleman - Team Products International
Screwed by Coleman

Coleman - Team Products International
Coleman Team Products Coleman and Team Products

Tribeca Plastic Surgery
Malpractice by Sydney Coleman MD

Coleman city hall coleman tx
Disrespect rude crude plain evil

Coleman - Team Products International
Cant stand behind their product claims manufacturer is out of business use their name