Global Nutrition Acai Edge

Beauty & Appearance

I obtained the Acai Advantage from Worldwide Diet using the declaration declaring that I had been a VIP participant that we didn't subscribe to. I've been attempting to achieve the amount they've about the payment and also have been on-hold awaiting anyone to keep in touch with for 25 units today. I've also emailed the organization towards the email address given. I've never had a coping with this type of phony organization and am calling the charge card organization not to spend them.

Company: Global Nutrition Acai Edge
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
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Global Nutrition Sciences/Acai Berry Edge
Sent collections letter without ordering product

SFL Nutrition, LLC
Acai Berry

Acai Berry
Mary s. Pierce

Acai Berry
Wrongfully charged

Acai berry/GNS, INC
Efused to refund C.C

Loanpoint usa
Didn't get a loan from this company

Un-authorized charge

Acai Berry Edge
Fraudulent charging

Acai Berry
Unauthorize removal

Acai Berry Edge
SCAM / Billed more than was aware of