Acai Berry

Beauty & Appearance

This company awnsers the phone Real Solutions Lab.

The get you by telling you as seen on Oprah and Rachel Ray! (Checked into that NOT them!)

I was taken now for $71.90 they refuse to help me.

I reported them to the Better Business Breau and the Federal Trade Comission.

*Cancel your credit card NOW*

*Call them 1-866-376-4078 and ask for Mr. Larry Roberts SUPERVISOR

How can someone like that sleep at night? I was telling him my problem and he began to tell me a story about his 3 kids. I called him back after reading all of your complaints and I said what kind of example are you setting for your 3 kids, he got mad..."dont talk about my kids" he said!

I told him I wanted to discuss my problem and you brought them up!

Come on is this what our world is coming to?

God help us all!

Company: Acai Berry
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Sparks
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Im a widow w 3 kids and i cant afford to be charged 3 times a month for a product
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Scam - Dishonest - Ripoff - and they use your most prized posession - your children

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Acai berry

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