Total Cleanse

Beauty & Appearance

This has to be one of the most elaborate scams out there! Many phone numbers that don't work, numbers that may have worked for someone perhaps once? Many foreign so called customer service people that have obviously been trained to act stupid because in one evening I got 3 different people on the line who all played the same game and ended up hanging up on me when I called them on it. I feel really bad for those who get tangled up in this web of deceit and sucked dry because they can't get through to this so called health company to get a refund or cancel an order after reading the hundreds of complaints on line. These are predators. Do not give these people an ounce of your attention and fall for this scheme. I was shocked to find that they have been getting away with this for so long! And how they have so many people working for them and voluntarily lying for them! Google total cleanse scam and look at all the complaints!

Company: Total Cleanse
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
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Total Cleanse
Unauthorized Charge

Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse
Rip off scam

Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse
Hard to cancel

Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse

Total Cleanse And Acai Berry
Phone numbers are a scam. Can't cancel. Ripping off my bank account and have no f

Total Cleanse - Fx Supplements
Entered free trial with Total Cleanse and I was sent the Acai Maxx and the total cleanse. Of course I was billed for both

Total Cleanse
Total Cleanse