Total Clense
Cannot not contact

Beauty & Appearance

I've been attempting to contact the corporation for 3 months to come back their item. The price is $106 and that I don't need the trial or potential deliveries. Our doctor has explained having a condision I've I am not able to go.

Within The state-of Arizona businesses such as this are managed from the attorneygeneral. I'll be processing a together easily am not approached or there's a reduction from my acct.

Company: Total Clense
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
  <     >  


Life Fit Labs, LLC, colon Clense Pro
Life Fit Labs, LLC, colon Clense Pro my wife ordered was supposed to be 4.95 and they charged acct for 69.98 with out our permission

Pure Nutrients, Inc
Eceiving unsolicited orders

My trial support
Total Clense rip off

Berry Folgers Probiotic Clense / Acai Berry Detox
Probiotic Clense / Acai Berry Detox

Consumer Report

Total Clense
Ban Phone Numbe

Temperformanceproducts 888 2898740 Az
Unauthorized charge 4.95 for sev mos to my discover card last 08/10/08

Advance Wellness
Acai berry and pure colon clense

Total Cleanse
Rip off

Colon clense fraud, pill fraud, weight loss lies