Green Tea Extreme & Hoodia Water
Returning and refund

Beauty & Appearance

I have been trying to obtain through their customer support helpline to tell them when they would please stop sending these things to dad rather than to become getting my father for these items. He required to use the green tea to get a one-month trial offer. We've been trying to tell them he wasnt thinking about this green tea extract tablet which he didnt demand to test the hoodia water suppliment they also sent him combined with the green tea he would try for thirty days, that they were only likely to cost his creditcard $1.00 for seeking it out for 30 days. He wasnt informed that their likely to send it to him each month and begin getting their charge card. He just desired to try it out one time. He wishes this to avoid and obtain this charge-off his credit card. Iam sorry that we'd to make it to this indicate make a problem about this company that weam sure its a great company however the point gets to their cust. Servise line. The customer support point it'd tell you eventually of waiting about the phone to callback in a later time as well as the call from tere is disconnected. I need them to stop sending my father these things or any they may have in mind to send and charge my fathers credit card. I need them to credit my father back for the next charge of the green tea as well as the hoodia water to his creditcard they have on file on him.

Company: Green Tea Extreme & Hoodia Water
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
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Green Tea Extreme
Charged to much money &did not order what i received

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, inc
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Hoodia Complex With Green Tea
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Hoodia Plex
Unauthorized charge!

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Free trial

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
All I did was order a 30 day trial for $1.00 and it ended up costing me $45.85! They sent the Green Tea but also sent 2 other items that they had no permission to

NuBODI/Hoodia GreenTea
Free trial turned into automatic order!

Hoodia Water
Ripped off for $50.00

Green Tea
Rip off!