Silkies Enriche
Didn't orde

Beauty & Appearance

I never ordered another one after my last order and enclosed a letter with my bill because this always happens. We try a product and then the company continues to send more. What do you want me to do? Just send it back i have not opened it, was shocked to even receive another one.

Company: Silkies Enriche
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
  <     >  


Silkies Enriche
Received product not ordered

Silkies Enriche
Ec'd merchandise not ordered

Silkies Enriche
Product not ordered

Silkies Enriche
Did not order this

Silkies enriche FREE sample
@ the introd. Price of just $14.99

RMCB Collection Agncy & Silkies Enriche
Silikies Enriche & RMCB Collection Agency rip off by enriche silikies cosmetic

Silkies Enriche
Product sent not ordered

Silkies Enriche - FREE promotional product
Billed for product I never ordered or reseived

Silkies Enriche
Mrs P E Rollins Sending goods not requested Liverpool Liverpool

HCI Direct, Inc
Silkies Enriche