Bath and Body Works

Beauty & Appearance

I had no problem with the people that worked there. Very pleasant helpful and a smile on there faces.

I just get so confused with all the smells, but love Bath and Body works.
Not a big fan of perfume smells though.

Company: Bath and Body Works
Country: USA
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Bath and Body Works
Ath and body works customer service - malibu lotion paris amo

Bath and Body Works
Why so expensive Bath and Body Works?

Bath and Body Works
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Bath and Body Works - good products no longer available - True Blue - Put it on ice

Bath and Body Works
Insulted me with new return system

Bath and Body Works
To little product for the price cut down on amount of product and raised the price (No Good - bath and body works products, Lotion and all the products are just to expensive!

Bath and Body Works
New Return Policy

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Bath & Body Works use of TRICLOSAN

Bath and Body Works
Ath and body works

Bath and Body Works
What time do you'all open