Employee Treatment

Animals & Birds

My friend called me up on the phone in tears. She said her store manager had a talk with her about how she's not finishing her work on time. My friend has been talking about this problem for months and she says she has repeatly asked for help at doing her job better but her superiors only want to complain about how slow she is a her tasks. Her managers are always comparing her to other employees and how they are better and faster but they ignore her requests to be trained with these other emplyees. I'm am very angry. I have been training employees at my job for 20 yrs and enjoy helping and employee improve.

Company: Petsmart
Country: USA
State: California
City: Walnut
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Awful company

Poor Customer Service

Dunkin Donuts
SLK store manage

Debbie Petsmart
Petsmart prattville al debbie petsmart

No training at PetSmart-Unfair to animals - Fired after injury

PetSmart, Inc
Not about atdvertising

Fixed contests

General Manager - MANAGERS

PetSmart, Inc
Ude so-called manager - Pet tags inconveniently placed in checkout aisle