Buy be ware

Animals & Birds

I can say this company is a crock of bull... I bought my policy and paid a years worth of coverage to only find out six months later that they wouldn't cover my cat's diabetes. My cat showed symptoms of something was wrong on two days prior to the policy affective date which was noted on the vets paperwork. So since I was being a good pet parent and telling my vet the truth to ensure that my pet got the best care I got denied coverage. My mind you my cat never showed any signs of diabetes before me taking him to the vet on that day nor was he ever diagnose with it before. So I guess I am suppose to be some kinda Vet and know automatically that my cat has diabetes. GREAT JOB 24 PetWatch you just condemned my cat to a slow painful death! I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone...

Company: 24petwatch
Country: USA
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