Southern Dolls, LLC
Sells Sick Kittens

Animals & Birds

I purchased 2 Ragdoll cats from Cheryl and Lenny Bromagen of Southern Toys, LLC in October. Southern Toys misrepresented the healthiness of the cats per their health promise and equally needed to be euthanized—one within 1 week and also the additional 6 months later because of necropsy-established FIP—an illness that's 100% deadly. It had been a disastrous encounter for that cats as well as for my loved ones. We obtained a court ruling within our benefit.

Company: Southern Dolls, LLC
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Grovetown
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Ragdoll breeder melinda cruz
Not purebred

Glroydolls Ragdolls
Sick and Dead cats and kittens

Carol Maxey Katco
Sold me terribly sick breeder cats

Ragdoll breeder melinda cruz
Melinda rios

Ragdoll Cat Breeder Angie Bartels
Ipped off!

Krug cat bengals
Sells sick cats

Zion Cattery
Has stolen pictures and text of all of my cats and kittens and placed them onto their site as their own cats and kittens as being for sale. All of these kittens are previous litter kitten

Adorable Ragdolls
Selling Sick Kittens

Dream Himi Cattery
Debora Husdon Sells sick cats with herpes

Precious Kittens Cattery = Precious Kittens
Precious Kittens Scam artist - sells sick cats - sent me two cats / both died soon after I received