Family Equine
Terrible experience!

Animals & Birds

I recently listed a complaint on Family Equine about the experience I have had with my horse. Apparently they thought this was a hint that I wanted them to take the horse back - that was NEVER my intention. I only want to save someone from getting a horse that is sold as kid safe anyone can ride or shall we say DEAD BROKE. I don't know my horses history and I don't know what hell my horse went through before I got her and can only wonder why she feared anyone to touch her face or get in her stall. She was not like this when I looked at her. She was quiet, relaxed and appeared to be the kids safe anyone can ride horse. This was the horse I thought that I could share with my nieces and nephews but a few days after having her home everything changed. It took me a year to gain her trust and although she is not yet, nor probably ever will be a kid safe anyone can ride horse she is loved and well taken care of and I have too much respect for her or any animal to ever intentionally put them in the hands of anyone that does not cherish these beautiful creatures and everything they give to us.

Here is a little excerpt from John Lyons that says it all about these wonderful animals. Everyone that is lucky enough and blessed to own a horse or any animal should read this and remember this:

A Gift from God. Bright Zip isn't my horse. He's God's horse. He’s just on loan to me. Likewise, the horse in your barn isn't really yours. God just gave him to you to care for and love. Because our horses belong to God, you and I will have to give an account someday for how we've treated them, which isn't a bad thing.

If you have something really valuable, a fragile family treasure for instance, would you give it to your child when he was three? Of course not. Would you give it to him at age 16, when he has trouble just keeping his room straight? Or at 22 when he finished college and you know he'll be moving around the country, packing and unpacking? Probably not. If it was something you really treasured, you'd wait until your child was settled and able to appreciate and take care of it.By the time you give it to him, you'd be sure that he could take care of it.

The horse is to God like that family treasure is to you. Horses are important to God, so He put within each of us the knowledge of what is right and wrong to do with them, so that we could care for them well. We may not instinctively know how much to feed them or how often they need shoes; we have to learn the specifics. But we do know, for instance, when a trainer tells us he wants to tie the horse's head around to the stirrup for 10 hours, that isn't right. Or when someone wants to hit a horse with a 2 x 4 to "teach" him a lesson, something in your gut says that isn't acceptable. We have to learn to trust our instincts when it comes to how to treat our horses right.

But does that mean we'll never make mistakes? No. God knew that, too. When he made the horse, He not only included traits like beauty and courage; He also included adaptability and forgiveness. As much as God cares for His horses, He cares even more for us. So much, that he gave His Son's life so that we may live.

Back to the family heirloom, if you just wanted it to be safe, you'd put it in a vault. But because you wanted to share something of yourself, you gave it to your child. That's some of why God gave us horses. He wanted us to see how their beauty, courage and, especially forgiveness is a reflection of Himself. So, next time you have a decision to make regarding your horse, remember that God loved you enough to give you the horse, and He loves the horse enough to give you insight into how to treat him. God planned that we fully enjoy our relationship with our horses.

God Bless,

John Lyons

Zechariah 1:8-11

During the night I had a vision - and there before me was a man riding a horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in a ravine. Behind him were red, brown and white horses. I asked, "What are these, my Lord?" The angel who was talking with me answered, "I will show you what they are." Then the man standing among the myrtle trees explained, "they are the ones the Lord has sent to go throughout the earth." And they reported to the angel of the Lord, who was standing among the myrtle trees, "We have gone throughout the earth and found the whole world at rest and in peace."

Company: Family Equine
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Groton
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